Calorie Calculator

Use the EVO calorie calculator to quickly and precisely find out how many calories you need daily to achieve your goals – whether losing weight, maintaining your weight or gaining weight.

The EVO calorie calculator for every goal

Whether you want to lose weight, gain weight or simply maintain your weight: Our calorie requirement calculator uses scientifically recognized formulas to give you the perfect start to a conscious diet. It is your reliable companion on the way to your goal.

What is the calorie requirement?

Step 1: Calculate your basal metabolic rate

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the basis for calculating your daily calorie needs. It indicates how many calories your body needs at rest to maintain basic functions such as breathing, heart rate and metabolism. Our calculator uses an average of the Harris-Benedict formula and the Katch-McArdle formula to determine your basal metabolic rate as precisely as possible. The Harris-Benedict formula takes your general body data into account, while the Katch-McArdle formula also takes your body fat percentage and your lean body mass into account.

Step 2: Consider performance turnover

After calculating your basal metabolic rate, we look at your energy expenditure. This is based on your daily activity level and shows how many calories you burn through physical activity in addition to your basal metabolic rate. Using the PAL (Physical Activity Level) table, you can estimate your activity level, which ranges from an office job to intense training. The energy expenditure is then multiplied by your basal metabolic rate to calculate your total calorie needs. This value serves as a guideline for how many calories you should consume daily to meet your daily needs.

Step 3: Adjust calorie consumption to your goal

In the final step, our calorie calculator adjusts your calorie needs to your specific goal:

  • Lose weight: To lose weight, we slightly reduce the calculated calories to create a calorie deficit. This means you consume fewer calories than your body uses, resulting in healthy weight loss.
  • Maintain weight: Your calorie needs remain stable to maintain your current weight. This ensures that you consume exactly the amount of calories your body needs every day.
  • Gain weight: If your goal is to build muscle, we will increase your calorie intake to create a calorie surplus. This way, you will consume more calories than your body uses, which will help you build muscle mass and gain weight.