
Whey Protein Concentrate vs. Whey Isolate: What are the differences?

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Whey protein is an indispensable supplement for many athletes who give their all in training. But what is the difference between whey isolate and whey protein concentrate ? Which protein powder suits your goals? We'll show you what you need to consider when choosing your proteins.

What is whey protein powder made of?

Whey protein is made from whey, a byproduct of cheese production. Milk is first separated into casein and whey, the latter being used to produce protein. Fats , lactose and carbohydrates are removed through microfiltration, crossflow microfiltration or ion exchange to increase the protein content.

Whey Concentrate: Versatile and creamy

Whey concentrate impresses with its creamy taste and a protein content of between 70 and 80% . It contains slightly more fat, lactose and carbohydrates and is therefore ideal for building muscle and for everyday use - especially for strength athletes who are not lactose intolerant. It also offers an excellent source of protein as a cost-effective option.

Whey Isolate: High-quality whey protein

Whey isolate is produced through complex filtration or crossflow microfiltration, which increases the protein content to up to 97% . The manufacturing process ensures that it is almost lactose-free and dissolves more quickly. This makes it ideal for ambitious athletes who are watching their calories or need quickly digestible protein to build muscle.

Whey Isolate vs Whey Protein Concentrate: The Key Differences

Whey Isolat whey concentrate
protein content 90-97% 70-80%
lactose content Very low, almost lactose-free Contains lactose
calories Fewer calories per serving More calories from fat and carbohydrates
compatibility Ideal for lactose intolerance For people without lactose intolerance
area of ​​operation diet phases, definition phases, muscle maintenance muscle building, mass phases
Cost Higher price Cheaper

Is whey isolate always the better choice?

Not necessarily. Whey isolate is perfect for definition phases, diets and sensitive stomachs. For many strength athletes, however, whey concentrate is sufficient, as it also offers a complete amino acid profile and is cheaper. Whey concentrate is also an efficient choice for everyday use or if you have a smaller budget.

What are the benefits of whey isolate?

Absorbed more quickly by the body: Ideal directly after training. Low in lactose: Suitable for people with lactose intolerance. High biological value: Provides all essential amino acids. Low in calories and fat: Ideal for diets.

In addition to the protein content, production standards are crucial. We rely on strict controls and high-quality raw materials. EVONADE Clear Whey shows what a high-quality isolate tastes like: clear, refreshing and with various flavors. Thanks to external laboratory tests and a perfect protein composition, it offers everything you need for muscle building and regeneration.

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